Blood Type Predictor

Blood Type Predictor Table

You may use the following tables to determine the most likely blood types of offspring born to parents with the blood types listed.

The table will also provide you with the blood types of egg donors which would provide the same blood type results in the offspring. Please consult your physician regarding ABO and Rh incompatability. Women who are Rh- and select a Rh+ donor may need to be treated with rhogam during pregnancy. Please consult your physician for more information.

Blood Type

Father Mother
A or O A or B or O AB or A or B A or O
AB, A, B or O B or O AB or A or B B or O
AB or A or B AB or A or B AB or A or B A or B
A or O B or O A or B O

Rh Factor

Father Mother
Neg (-) Pos (+)
Neg (-)
Neg (-) Pos (+) or Neg (-)
Pos (+)
Pos(+) or Neg(-) Pos (+) or Neg (-)

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